Professional Ethics in Physiotherapy
Object is a human ethics
Formal object is the man who intentionally acts to other humans (klain).
Rights and obligations of justice arise against:
- Others
- Other people MLP community
- God
- Familiarize yourself
- Obligations set forth in order to act as ethical physiotherapy does not violate the rights of klain who handled
Principles of professional ethics
- Carrying out its base with good intentions who with devotion consciousness.
- Obligation to respect the dignity of humanity and personal.
- Respect the feelings of any person (keep a secret), honoring achievements etc.
- To contribute ideas, concepts and scientific work for the progress of their obligations.
- Receive their rights simply as a liability and not for personal profit
Two lofty principles of professional ethics
- Putting the interests of patients / klain
- Serving on the demands of the noble profession
- Human Values:
- Economic values
- The values kejasmanian
- The values of entertainment
- The Nature of Values
- Aesthetic values
- The values of intellectual
- Religious values
Professional ethics Luhur
Dr. B. Kieser:
1. Putting the interests of the patient
2. To serve the demands of the noble profession
Professional Morality Luhur
1. Dared to do and was determined
2. Awareness obligation?
3. Idealism
Right = has no 2:
1. Positive rights of other people must do something for me
2. Negative rights are free to do something I
1. Liabilities Liabilities who perfectly associated with the rights of others.
2. Imperfect obligations not related obligations with the rights of others.
Virtue: Disposition who has obtained a person’s character and allows him to behave morally (affectionate, generous)
Humans who either personally
1. A fixed Trends
2. In connection with the will
3. Obtained through jaln familiarize yourself or results of the exercise virtue does not equal skill.
Formal Object Physiotherapy
Vicarious action intentionally.
This Kesengajan physiotherapist acting
Physiotherapist-rated action unethical ethical code of conduct so that it appears as a guide fisio behavior.
Why timbuk code of ethics? Because these professionals serve / human auditory / service given was assessed: Those who served, Those professionals, and others professions. In the event of customs, attitudes, personality, character.
Usefulness of codes of ethics:
1. For individuals in order to avoid irregularities during the running task dr.
2. For quality or developing Member Professionals
3. For the public safety community (indirect protection)
Human Rights
Human rights is something interesting conversation, for involving the dignity, dignity and self-esteem which is something very essence of being human. Human rights can not be achieved if individuals are not living in a society in the life of the nation.
Application of rights that may have materialized somewhere, would be different if the events took place elsewhere, because it already involves emotion as well as custom characters or character of local residents.
Human rights grow and flourish when those rights begin noticed and fought against the power of the community formed by the man himself who called the state / country. So the issue of human rights ranging from human relations as an individual with the state as civil society organizations.
Human rights are fundamental rights or basic human owned and carried since birth as a gift from God Almighty or the rights inherent in human dignity as God’s creation in God Almighty.
According to Law No. RI. 39 years old in 1999 is meant by human rights are a set of rights attached to nature and human existence as a creature of God is the Almighty and His grace that must be respected, upheld and protected by the state, law, government and everyone for the respect and protection of dignity and human dignity.
Violations of human rights is every act of a person or group, including both state officials deliberately or accidentally or omission that is against the law, reduce, prevent, restrict or revoke and human rights a person or group of persons which are guaranteed by law and not to obtain or feared will not receive a fair settlement of legal and correct based on the applicable legal mechanisms.
Human Role in Human Rights
Every human being has the nature, character and will of its own. But in human society entered into a relationship with one another, play along, please help, help help to get her life purpose. Various philosophical anthropology to understand human nature look at the essence of the nature of the glass eyes is different. Human Beings-social individuals in dealing with others can be seen from the two streams or views.
a. Flow individualism
Ideology of individualism which is the forerunner of liberalism ideology, saw man as a creature of free individuals. The highest value of human beings is the development and happiness of individuals.
Society is Simply a means for individuals to achieve on their goals. It makes no sense to Sacrifice own interests of individual community interests.Society simply serve individuals (ie, more positive sense as the notion That Each Person Should Themselves develop and act in accordance with his personality, assessment and own responsibility of course on the bandwagon with the mass flow). This understanding holds that the rights and obligations in your life together always be measured based on the interests and objectives based on paradiqma nature of human nature as individuals.
b. Flow collectivity
Understand the collectivity that is the forerunner to look at the nature of socialism and communism human nature as social beings alone. Individuals considered merely as a means for the community. Therefore, consequently, all aspects in the realization of the life of the community, nation and state kondrat based on the nature of humans as social animals. This understanding holds that the rights and obligations of both moral and legal in your life together always be measured based on the philosophy of human beings as social creatures.
Human Beings civilized, freedom as individuals and all activities and creativity in his life always dependent on others, this is because human beings as citizens or as a social creature.
Based on the nature of human nature, then in the way humans view the world, living up to himself, to worship Almighty God and realize what a liability he is always in relationship with others. All matters relating to good moral attitude thing and moral obligations, can not be determined solely on the basis of individual norms, but always in conjunction with the community. Therefore, the moral responsibility of the human person can only be developed within the framework of relationships with other people so that freedom is always dealing with the public morality.
Philosophical basis as contained in Pancasila That the values contained in the national culture, always based on human nature is human nature monodualisme That is as individual beings as well as a social creature.
Relationship between Man In Physiotherapy
According to the nature of nature, human beings everywhere and at any time and always live together, live in groups, at least, lack of life together consists of two people That Husband and wife or mother and baby.
In the history of human development there is no one who lives alone, apart from any other human groups, except in cases of forced and that too only for the time being. Live alone apart from human interaction in society, is only possible in the realm of mere Dongen, because since time immemorial in man there is a desire to gather with others in a group (the desire for community).
Aristotle, an expert on ancient Greek thought That man is a “zoon Politicon” That means as meaning human beings That Are Basically Mingle and always wants to hang out with other fellow human beings, so the Creatures WHO prefer a society. Because of its Sociable with Each other, then the man Known as social beings. As individual human beings Can not achieve anything they want want with ease, eg: new farmer cans work on his land after he Received farming tools made by blacksmiths.
Clothing even wore the tailor’s work.
The desire to live together has changed from innate in Humans, is a necessity to establish physically for life. Human unity arising from the Same nature was commonly Known as the community. So there are communities that are formed when two or more persons living together, so in this life arise association or affinity relationships that resulted in that the other one and know one another and influence affect.
Own purposes in humans is often unidirectional and correspond with each other so that with the cooperation of human purpose to fulfill the purposes that would be easier achieved, however, sometimes those interests are also different and even contradictory, it can cause conflicts which disturb the harmony live together.
In terms of physical strength / physical, human beings are categorized as weak. Therefore, human beings alone is difficult to sustain its life. Human beings require the unity in formulatingbusiness and have a plan together to be able to defend themselves, their families and the group against threats. Every human being has its own purpose, that purpose is often unidirectional or correspond with each other so that by working together to meet the needs of human purpose that will be more easily and quickly achieved.
Consciously or not humans are influenced by the rules of living together in restraint of passions and regulate the relationship between human beings. Those rules which guide actions and deeds may be executed which ones should be avoided. So these regulations provide guidance to people how to behave and act in society.
Law In Physiotherapy
If we’re talking about law in general is meant is the whole set of rules in a life together, the overall regulation of behavior in a common life, which can be imposed with a sanction their implementation.
Law governing the relationship of law. It consists of the legal relationship ties between individuals and society and between individuals themselves. Ties were reflected in the rights and obligations. In an attempt to regulate, adjust the laws of individual interests with the interests of society as well as possible. Trying to find a balance Between giving freedom to the individual and Protecting society against individual freedom. That given society is composed of individuals That causes the interaction, it always will from complete Happens Between tension or individual interests with community interests. Law tried to accommodate this tension best or complete.
Law as a set of rules or principles have a general nature and content of normative, Because it applies to normative Generally Because everyone and should determine what to do, what to do or Should not do and determine how to implement compliance rules.
In its function as the protection of human interest laws has the objective of creating an orderly society, creating order and balance. It is expected that human interests will be protected. In achieving that objective legal duty to share rights and obligations between individuals within the community to share the authority and set the way of solving legal problems and to maintain legal certainty.
By looking at the material above, then can we distinguish between law and morals, namely:
1. More codified law than on morality, meaning and written more or less systematically compiled in the book of laws so that legal norms have greater certainty and be more objective.
2. Both legally and morally regulate human behavior, but the legal limit Ourselves to the Outward behavior only, while the moral Also concerning one’s inner attitude.
3. Sanctions associated with different laws with sanctions related to morality. Legal sanctions for a large part can be imposed, but the norms of ethical / moral can not be enforced.
4. Law is based upon the will of society and ultimately the will of countries (not directly derived from the state), while morality is based on moral norms that exceed the individual and society. Democratic manner, or in other ways society can change laws, but never people can change / cancel a moral norm.
Religions in Physiotherapy
God gave the seeds of religious people. Human everywhere believe that there is power or authority over the man himself this is obvious, especially when a person involved in accidents or have difficulty feeling thankful.
So they can have protection from Allah, then they hold ceremonies at certain times and places. Held various teaching elements in the ceremony-the ceremony. How to worship something that is considered more powerful and noble is what we call religion. Religious people are those who believe and hold on to something worshiped.
The term religion has a specific scope and narrow sense. It is said that because religion is a SUMMARY of any prophet / messenger, there his sacred books and Teachings are in any (universal) is common everywhere and his congregation Are from Various nationalities.
Norm / Rule In Physiotherapy
Norma comes from the term “norm” which meant the guidelines or benchmarks for each person in the act of being kind to others or to himself. In Dutch language the term norm is also called “mattregel” means the same church with the rules derived from the word “Aqidah”.
Required norms as guidelines to be follow to others eg politeness norms, legal norms, the norms of the discipline and so forth. Norma is a benchmark / guideline for action to be other people say insubjektif norm.
Required norms as guidelines to be follow to yourself eg good habits and correct, both in thinking, willing and doing, sanitation norms of the body, clothing and so on governance norms. Norms that became a benchmark / guideline to be acts of self-reflective called norm.
Norms that become guidelines or benchmarks for human beings in the act act according to its settings in the field of social life as well as each individual include:
1. Kaedah belief / religion
Kaedah is addressed to the life of believers, dedicated to the human obligation to God and to himself. Kaedah sources are the teachings of religious belief or who by his followers regarded as God’s commands. Lord who threatens kaedah violations or religious belief with the sanctions. Kaedah this belief is not addressed to his birth, but to a man’s inner attitude. Expected from the man that he thought the attitude appropriate to the content of religious belief or kaedah. Kaedah only human burden with these obligations and not merely give the rights. Example:
a. Come not nigh to fornication, adultery is actually a heinous act and an evil way (Surah Al Isra ‘verse 32).
b. Do not kill, You shall not commit adultery (Exodus 20:14,14), etc.
2. Kaedah decency
This Kaedah associated with human as an individual because it concerns the life of the human person. As a supporter akedah decency is the human conscience of individuals and not as social beings or as members of an organized society. This imbalance can complement Kaedah personal life and prevent anxiety yourself.
Kaedah morality is addressed to mankind in order to form good personal morals in order to improve human and human forbids doing evil. Murder, adultery, stealing and so forth are not only prohibited by the trust or keagaman kaedah alone but also perceived as contrary to kaedah decency in every human conscience. Kaedah kesusilan only burden the people with its obligations alone.
Kaedah origin or source of morality is the man himself, so are autonomous and are not addressed to the attitudes of birth, but is addressed to man’s inner attitudes as well. He thought himself threatened acts that violate decency kaedah with sanctions. There is no power outside of himself that it was imposing sanctions. If there is a violation kaedah obscenity, Mis: theft or fraud, then it will emerge in the conscience of the offender a sense of regret, shame, fear, feeling guilty as a sanction or a reaction to these violations kesusilan kaedah.
3. Kaedah manners (etiquette / customs)
Kaedah manners are based on customs, compliance, or decency prevailing in the society. This rule is intended to perpetrators who were born konkrik attitude for improvement or public order and aimed at creating peace, order, or make a “bad” traffic between people who are outwardly. More mementinkan courtesy of birth or formal: relationships, clothes, language and others. Touches not merely as individuals but as social beings, so touching a life together.
Kaedah polite human burden with obligations only. The power of community is not paying that threatened with sanctions if it violated kaedah manners. Which we are forced to powers outside of us (Heteronom). These sanctions may include reprimand, ridicule, scorn, ostracism etc. Oleg was not done in an organized society but by everyone who wants a separate sanction. Local enactment of this courtesy kaedah narrow, limited local or personal. Manners are not the same sector in a region with other areas. Different levels of society different manners.
4. Legal Kaedah
Kaedah further protect the legal interests of people who have got protection from the three other kaedah and protect the interests of people who have not received protection from the three kaedah earlier.
Kaedah law aimed mainly to the perpetrators of concrete, not to perfect human, but to order society in order not to fall victim of a crime, to prevent crime. The contents of this law kaedah addressed to the attitude of human birth, giving priority to act is born.
Kaedah law from outside the man which impose on us (heteronom). Of society formally given the power to impose sanctions or punishments. In this case pengadilanlah as the institution representing community punishments.
Moral In Physiotherapy
Moral word always refers to humans as human merits. So it’s not about the merits for granted, such as lecturers, students but as human physiotherapists. Moral field is the field of human life in terms of kebaikanya as human beings. Moral norms is the benchmark for determining the correct wrong attitudes and actions of human beings in terms of a good or bad as a human and not as perpetrators of a specific and limited role.
Moral norms are the yardsticks used to measure the good of society then someone with the moral norms we are really in value, we are not viewed from one aspect, but as a human. Moral field is the field of morals is the field of human life in terms of human kindness. Moral norms is the benchmark for determining the correct wrong attitudes and actions of human beings in terms of the merits as a human.
Ethics and Etiquette of Physiotherapy
Equation ethics and etiquette are:
1. Ethics and etiquette concerning human behavior
2. Normatively regulate human behavior
Differences in ethics and etiquette:
1. Etiquette regarding how to do an act of man, or to show the proper way. Ethics is not limited to how to do but give norms about what the act itself an act may be yes or no.
2. Etiquette is only valid in the association, while ethics is not always true depending on whether or not people attend. Baca selanjutnya…
Usefulness Ethics in Physiotherapy
There are four reasons why the ethics in this age is required, namely:
1. We live in an increasingly pluralistic society is also in the field of morality, every day we meet people from the tribes, regions, different religions. Normative order of unity no longer exists, we are faced with many moral views that often contradict each other and they all claim to us, which one should we follow?.
2. We live in a period of transformation of society is without equal, a change took place under the blow of force on all aspects of our lives is the wave of modernization. In this situation ethic would help so that we do not lose orientation, can distinguish between what is essential and what should be changed and thus remain able to take the attitudes that we be held accountable slide.
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